Many times you want to search for a specific product on an e-commerce site without navigating through a maze of categories and products.
Your search engine should be intelligent enough to break down your query and filter out unwanted results.
Let’s consider this search query: “Sony camera with SD card.” As an example, if your search is intelligent enough, it will break this query down into meaningful results.
Let’s find out how a leading consumer electronics brand fares against this test. As you can see, it returns only three search results and none of them are cameras.
Let’s try the same query in RETISIO Intelligent Search engine. As you can see, RETISIO Intelligent Search returns 608 results for “Sony camera with SD card.”
It is able to identify that you are looking for Sony brand camera with a micro SD card. This is the power of search intelligence.
RETISIO Intelligent Search is a powerful tool for business to not only improve their search results but also uplift search conversions leading to substantial revenue gains.
Learn more about RETISIO Intelligent Search.
Further reading: Can Shoppers Find Specific Items on Your Retail Website?